Posted 28 May, 2022
Regular Yoga-practice or Gym-exercises with balanced nutritional-diets can help most people achieve an optimum health, physical-fitness-level and desirable figure. However, for some who wish to lose weight can turn into an unceasing struggle against stubborn pockets of fat that no amount of routine Yoga-practice, physical-fitness-training or dieting programme can eliminate.
This is where specifically designed “Shivananda Yoga” with Spiritual-lifestyle steps in.
Courtesy: Yogini Patricia Al Maalouf
“Shivananda Yoga” is a unique Holistic Yoga Training Programme, incorporated with Ashtaanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Fitness Training, Martial Arts, Mantra Meditation and 'Kamal-Kriya' for Health, Beauty, Physical Fitness and Body-Sculpting.
“Shivananda Yoga for Health, Beauty & Weight Loss” is singularly designed to remove stub-born body-fat, developing muscles and increasing physical power as well as organic power, thus, improving overall Quality of Life & Life-expectancy.
Courtesy: Patricia Al Maalouf
“Shivananda Yoga” is aimed at improving overall general health, enhance physical-fitness and beauty, management of body-weight, fat reduction, maintenance of cardiovascular functioning and prevention/cure of lifestyle ailments.
Courtesy: Yogini Patricia Al Maalouf
“Shivananda Yoga” is available for all age-groups with the following options:
1. Shivananda Yoga - Basic & Advance Course
2. Shivananda Yoga for Health, Beauty & Weight Loss
3. Shivananda Yoga Teacher’s Training Course
4. Shivananda Yoga for Therapeutic Use
5. Shivananda Yoga for Couples
6. Shivananda Yoga for Little Yogis